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Your Institutions
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Your Institutions
Test Taker Score Reports
View and download individual test taker score reports and access related services. You can search by date, test taker name and other criteria to see scores that have been reported to your institution.
Summary Data Reports
GRE: View pre-defined Quick Reports or your own Custom Reports to see summary score data for your institution. TOEFL: Build your own Custom Reports to see summary score data for your institution or the total test taker population.
Note: This service will be available in Spring 2015 but you can request access now.
Test Taker Score Reports
Test Taker Photo
Analytical Writing Essay
Summary Data Reports
Test Taker Score Reports Server to Server Feed
The user has requested to update his/her access, the desired changes are indicated with bolditalic format. The changes will not take effect until you approve.
Approve Access
You may approve a request as is, or make modifications to the user's selections before approval.
Reject Access
The user will not be given access to the scores and services for that testing program/institution.
Approve Updates
The user will be given the new access.
Reject Updates
The user will not be given the new access, but he/she will continue with existing access.
Keep in Pending Status
If you cannot make a decision at this moment, you can choose this option and come back to this request later.
User has access to score reports and services.
User in "inactive" status cannot access score reports and services. The access can be restored once the user is back to "active" status.
Remove Access
User no longer has access to score reports and services. To regain access, the user must submit a new request.
Are you sure you want to submit your decision?
Lead Administrators
Lead Administrators are institutional representatives who are responsible for approving and managing access to online score data at their institution. They can:
Access score data for their institution.
Approve access to score data and other services for secondary users at their institution.
Create new users directly in the portal for immediate access to score data.
Share a link with their staff or faculty to complete a Request Form to access score data online.
Modify user's profiles and are deactivate user's access when staff leave the institution or change positions.
Reset passwords on behalf of users.
Secondary Users
Secondary Users are institutional representatives who need to access score data online but aren't responsible for approving and managing who has access to score data for their institution. Secondary Users can access score data and other services that their Lead Administrator approves for them.